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dc.contributor.authorTruneva, Liubov A.-
dc.contributor.authorPuzankov, Yurii V.-
dc.identifier.citationTruneva L. A., Puzankov Yu. V. 2021. Sources of acquisition of the collections of the Khorinsky District Museum of History and Local Lore. The Issues of Museology, 12 (1): 108–115.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article is devoted to the history of the acquisition of collections of the Khorinsky District Museum of History and Local Lore at various stages of its development, from its establishment to the modern period of its activity. The Khorinsky District Museum of History and Local Lore was founded on November 10, 1979. Its appearance testified to the economic and cultural development of the Khorinsky district. The created museum has become one of the centers to spread the district’s culture, accessible to the general population. Modern expositions of the museum make it possible to trace the history of the Khorinsky district at all stages of its existence, covering, among other things, the prehistoric era. Based on information from the inventory book, as well as on the basis of their own memories, the authors reconstruct the sources of museum’s collections after a fire occurred in the museum in December 1984. The damage turned out to be so serious that only 22 items, mostly large-sized ones, such as carts, sledges, and a lathe, were preserved. The restoration work in the museum was carried out under the leadership of director Innokenty Yakovlevich Trunev, whose active work made it possible to practically re-form the museum’s collections. The authors of the article describe in detail the goals pursued by the donors and creators of the items given to the museum. Most of the exhibits were collected as a result of trips. A significant source for the museum’s collections was the result of local residents donating items. Items were handed over to the museum that appear both simple, at first glance, from every day use and unique items, family heirlooms. The republic’s (Buryatia) museums rendered great support in the formation of the museum’s collections. A significant number of items were found as a result of scientific expeditions and subsequently transferred to the museum.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesThe Issues of Museology;Volume 12; Issue 1-
dc.subjectmuseum itemen_GB
dc.subjecteveryday lifeen_GB
dc.subjectmuseum collectionsen_GB
dc.titleSources of acquisition of the collections of the Khorinsky District Museum of History and Local Loreen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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