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Результаты 71-80 из 181.
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2018Late Paleozoic – Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the Eastern Taimyr- Severnaya Zemlya Fold and Thrust Belt and adjoining Yenisey-Khatanga DepressionХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2015Proterozoic supercontinental restorations: Constraints fromprovenance studies of Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian clastic rocks,eastern Siberian CratonХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2019Геохимические особенности битумопроявлений в нижне‑среднедевонских отложениях северо-западной части о. Котельный (архипелаг Новосибирские острова)Худолей, Андрей Константинович
2017Earliest Cretaceous (late Berriasian) glendonites from Northeast Siberia revise the timing of initiation of transient Early Cretaceous cooling in the high latitudesХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2018Carboniferous Granitoid Magmatism of Northern Taimyr: Results of Isotopic-Geochemical Study and Geodynamic InterpretationХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2018Pre-mid-Frasnian angular unconformity on Kotel’ny Island (New Siberian Islands archipelago): evidence of mid-Paleozoic deformation in the Russian High ArcticХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2018U–Pb LA–ICP–MS Age of Detrital Zircons from the Lower Riphean and Upper Vendian Deposits of the Luga–Ladoga MonoclineХудолей, Андрей Константинович
2019Chirvinskyite, (Na,Ca)13(Fe,Mn,□)2(Ti,Nb)2(Zr,Ti)3(Si2O7)4(OH,O,F)12, a new mineral with a modular wallpaper structure, from the Khibiny alkaline massif (Kola Peninsula, Russia)-
2016The De Long Islands: A missing link in unraveling the Paleozoic paleogeography of the ArcticЕршова, Виктория Бэртовна
2019High-temperature Fe oxidation coupled with redistribution of framework cations in lobanovite, K2Na(Fe2+4Mg2Na)Ti2(Si4O12)2O2(OH)4 - The first titanosilicate case-