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dc.contributor.authorTikhonova, Olga V.-
dc.contributor.authorSlobodyanyuk, Anastasia A.-
dc.identifier.citationTikhonova, O. V., Slobodyanyuk, A. A. (2021). Russian media speech on RTR Moldova broadcasting. Media Linguistics, 8 (1), 83–89.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe article presents the results of a study of the specifics of Russian media speech in the Republic of Moldova on the example of news broadcasts of the RTR Moldova TV-channel. The actual modern position of the Russian language on the territory of the country within the framework of the current state policy and the situation of Russian-language broadcasting in the country were studied. Theoretical material on the specifics of Russian language in the Republic of Moldova was studied and systematized. The history of the creation and specifics of the functioning of the Russian-language TV-channel RTR Moldova were reviewed in terms of current legislation. Methods of quantitative and comparative analysis, induction, synthesis of theoretical and practical knowledge were used. The study’s empirical base includes video material of 41 news programs of “Vesti-Moldova” and “Vesti nedeli-Moldova”. Broadcasts in 2019 comprised the overall chronological period of the research, thanks to the use of a “seasonal” sample (a week of winter, spring, summer and autumn seasons), which contributed to a more objective identification of the dynamics of the presenters’ and correspondents’ media speech on RTR Moldova. The article provides a classification of errors related to grammar, spelling, stylistics of offscreen text and logic of operational information presentation. The features of using means of artistic expression were also studied. Tendencies of bilingualism in the speech of inhabitants of the Republic of Moldova are indicated, which are reflected in the television broadcast, are highlighted in the article. At the same time, it is emphasized that on-air programs in Russian are in demand by the audience, however, at the state level, the process of imposing content in Romanian on the viewer is strongly supported. In this regard, the volume of Russian-language broadcasts is decreasing every year.en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedia Linguistics;Volume 8; Issue 1-
dc.subjectlanguage interferenceen_GB
dc.subjectmedia speechen_GB
dc.subjecttelevision of Moldovaen_GB
dc.titleRussian media speech on RTR Moldova broadcastingen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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