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dc.contributor.authorGolev, Nikolai D.-
dc.contributor.authorShpil’naia, Nadezhda N.-
dc.identifier.citationGolev, N. D., Shpil’naia, N. N. (2021). Ordinary media communication as a socio-speech sphere: The problem statement and the boundaries of manifestation. Media Linguistics, 8 (1), 23–34.en_GB
dc.description.abstractThe object of consideration in the article is the communicative space of the linguistic community, which can be represented as a set of socio-speech spheres. The subject of the research of the article is the ordinary media communication as a socio-speech sphere with its inherent discursive practices and genre forms of their implementation. The article defines the boundaries of the manifestation of everyday media communication. The sphere of ordinary media communication is differentiated on the basis of two oppositions, taking into account a type of linguistic personality and a type of communicative context: a professional/nonprofessional linguistic personality, a natural/artificial communicative context. On this basis, the following manifestations of ordinary media communication are distinguished as follows: nonprofessional everyday media discourse, pseudo-media discourse, everyday professional media discourse. On the basis of the typology of speech events as narrative, declarative and representative, discursive practices are distinguished into event-ideas, referential and textual events. Narrative discursive practices actualize textual events. They recreate a textual event as a communicative event that is delayed in time. These discursive practices are implemented in the genres of everyday conversation and private history. The declarative discursive practices are related to the actualization of the referential events. This is a manifestation of the reflective activities of native speakers, the result of which is their judgments on the media activities: issues of media activity, about their work, etc. These discursive practices are implemented in the genres of media myths and superstitious media features. The representative discursive practices actualize event-ideas, presenting an interpretation of various media events. The article considers such genres of their implementation as media anecdotes, media commentary and the media “note” genre as the implementation of pseudo-media discourse.en_GB
dc.description.sponsorshipThe research was supported by Russian Foundation of Basic Research, projects no. 20-412- 420004р_а (N. D. Golev), no. 20-012-00375 (N. N. Shpil’naia).en_GB
dc.publisherSt Petersburg State Universityen_GB
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedia Linguistics;Volume 8; Issue 1-
dc.subjectordinary media communicationen_GB
dc.subjectsocio-speech sphereen_GB
dc.subjectdiscursive practicesen_GB
dc.subjectspeech genresen_GB
dc.titleOrdinary media communication as a socio-speech sphere: The problem statement and the boundaries of manifestationen_GB
Располагается в коллекциях:Issue 1

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