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Результаты 1-10 из 13.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017Gender stereotypes and psychological well-being in young women: A cross-cultural studyСафиуллина Камиля Рустемовна; Safiullina Kamilia
reviewSV_Maryanenko_E_A__rec_2.jpg.jpg2017Coping strategies and risk factors of somatie maladjustment in employees of non- departmental securrityМарьяненко Елизавета Александровна; Marianenko Elizaveta
2017Relation between sense of humour and clinical-psychological features of neurotic patientsСитало Валентина Викторовна; Sitalo Valentina
2017Psychological well-being and attitude to a baby in pregnant womenЕвтушенко Екатерина Андреевна; Evtushenko Ekaterina
2017Parental attitudes and image of a child in relation with psychological well-being of adultsМелехова Екатерина Аркадьевна; Melekhova Ekaterina
2017Creative environment as a factor of work engagement and psychological well-being of a personКудрявцева Анастасия; Kudriawcewa Anastazja
2016Self-reflection and its connection to psychological well-being of people with different level of personal rigidnessКалашникова Юлия Александровна; Kalashnikova Iuliia
2016Experience of envy and psychological well-being of individuals in different periods of adulthoodКудрявцева Римма Алексеевна; Kudriavtseva Rimma
2016Personal resources of psychological well-being of psychology studentsМалодворская Дарья Дмитриевна; Malodvorskaya Daria
2018Characteristics of psychological well-being of young men and women with different levels of mental rigidityБледных Иван Александрович; Blednykh Ivan