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Результаты 351-360 из 401.
Найденные ресурсы:
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2022Emoji perception by schoolchildren with intellectual disabilitiesРахманова Карима; Rahmanova Karima
2022The characteristics of physical self-regulations among highly qualified swimmers with different levels of manifestation of typological featuresМихайлов Юрий Владимирович; Mihajlov Urij Vladimirovic
2022Representatios of the boundaries of a personality space in young people in connection with the experience gained in the internet environmentДзюба Даниелла Алексеевна; Dzuba Daniella Alekseevna
2022Psychological factors of students' trust in non-traditional forms of educationРябинина Елизавета Евгеньевна; Rabinina Elizaveta Evgenevna
2022Jealousy in connection with personality characteristics, and psychological and emotional well-being of adultsЛемякина Юлия Алексеевна; Lemakina Ulia Alekseevna
2022The emotional componet of the personal meaning of "I" and the attitude towards the InternetОсипов Павел Дмитриевич; Osipov Pavel Dmitrievic
2022Motivational and semantic orientation to achieving success and subjective well-being in early adulthoodФедотова Елизавета Евгеньевна; Fedotova Elizaveta Evgenevna
2022Personality factors of volunteering involvementМацулевича Александра; Maculevica Aleksandra
2022Social and psychological determinants of choice in various forms of romantic relationshipsБаранова Татьяна Олеговна; Baranova Tatana Olegovna
2022Formation of social skills in preschoolers with autistic spectrum disorder by applied behavioural analysis techniques with parents assistanceБанных Анастасия Витальевна; Bannyh Anastasia Vitalevna