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Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Comparative analysis of the image of contemporary political leaders of Germany, France, United States and RussiaСтаростенкова Виктория Владимировна; Starostenkova Victoriia
2017Technologies of political manipulation in the Russian FederationАносова Анна Александровна; Anosova Anna
2017Internet-technologies in local government elections in Russia: A new perspectiveНикиташов Борис Евгеньевич; Nikitashov Boris
2017Internet as a field of political discourse in modern RussiaСтепанова Екатерина Дмитриевна; Stepanova Ekaterina
2018Formation of the image of Russia's political elite in Russian-language non-state Internet mediaВоронцова Маргарита Дмитриевна; Vorontsova Margarita
2021Media framing as a technology for legitimising political decisions: A case study of "The Crimean spring" coverage in the federal Russian mass mediaСолдатенков Иван Вячеславович; Soldatenkov Ivan Vaceslavovic
2020Institutionalization of political advertising in Russia as a form of professional political communicationАстапова Варвара Викторовна; Astapova Varvara Viktorovna
2023Persuasive communication in the politics of building collective memoryГлухих Дарья Николаевна; Gluhih Dara Nikolaevna
2024Impact of the development of new media on socio-political processes in RussiaЯровенко Глеб Владимирович; Arovenko Gleb Vladimirovic