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2017Methods of interpreting history of inventions in a technology museum: A study of the A.S. Popov Central Museum of CommunicationsВасильева Людмила Николаевна; Vasilieva Liudmila
2017Actualization of cultural heritage in monuments of church architecture as illustrated by Hagia Sophia of ConstantinopleНавныка Анастасия Алексеевна; Navnyka Anastasiia
2016The problem of exhibiting ethnographic objects in museums of the Russian FederationМолчанова Нина Викторовна; Molchanova Nina
2016A local history museum as a communication system: A study of the Chelyabinsk Regional Museum of Local HistoryПотапова Екатерина Андреевна; Potapova Ekaterina
2018The Role of the Research of Museum Funds (Repositories) for Exposure WorkДенисенкова Анастасия Юрьевна; Denisenkova Anastasiia
reviewSV_CHesnokova_recenziya_ispr-_str2.jpg.jpg2018Forms of Interaction of an Internet Visitor and Virtual MuseumАбзалова Александра Анатольевна; Abzalova Aleksandra
2018Methods of Exhibition Activities in EcomuseumsКлыкова Алена Игоревна; Klykova Alena
reviewSV_skan_104_Ulyasheva.jpg.jpg2018Specific Character of Museumification of Intangible Cultural Heritage: Pop Music as a Museum ExhibitУляшева Софья Андреевна; Uliasheva Sofia