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2017Art Nouveau in German culture of the 19th–20th centuriesКондранина Анна Владимировна; Kondranina Anna
2017Philosophical aspects in A.S. Pushkin's worksКрепостнова Вероника Павловна; Krepostnova Veronika
2017A comparative analysis of the Russian and German-speaking cultures in Russia of the 18th–19th centuriesСергеева Анастасия Алексеевна; Sergeeva Anastasiia
2017Sources of stable multilingualism in the culture of SwitzerlandМатвеев Юрий Сергеевич; Matveev Iurii
2017The idea of creative life in Russian and Italian culture: V. Bryusov and G. D'AnnunzioПокровская Алла Юрьевна; Pokrovskaia Alla
2017Transformation of the sense of shame in the history of European culture in Antiquity and the Middle AgesВолошина Алла Владимировна; Voloshina Alla