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Результаты 1-10 из 12.
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2020Architect Konstantin Romanov and his Contribution to Museum Studies and the Protection and Preservation of Monuments in Russia during the First Third of the 20th Century (Based on the Architect’s Archive)Двойникова Полина Алексеевна; Dvojnikova Polina Alekseevna
2020The Influence of May Fourth Movement Ideas on Female Images in the Works of Xie BingxinНарбутас Анастасия Валерьевна; Narbutas Anastasia Valerevna
2020The Perception of the Russian Mentality by Representatives of the Chinese CultureСащенко Мария Васильевна; Sasenko Maria Vasilevna
2020An Analysis of the Influence of Value-oriented Cultural Components on the Development of Contemporary Taiwanese Sculptural ArtЛанских Александра Сергеевна; Lanskih Aleksandra Sergeevna
2020The Mimetic Power and Practices of Avoidance: the Epistemological AspectКондакова Алина Сергеевна; Kondakova Alina Sergeevna
2020Media Discourse in Situations Involving ConflictТруфанов Глеб Алексеевич; Trufanov Gleb Alekseevic
2020Deng Xiaoping's Cultural Policy in the Years of Reform and OpennessДжалилов Константин Таирович; Dzalilov Konstantin Tairovic
2020The Concepts of Taste and Genius: Immanuel Kant and 19th-century German RomanticismКанарейкина Полина Дмитриевна; Kanarejkina Polina Dmitrievna
2020Museum Sport Exhibitions as a Cultural PhenomenonМаскина Анна Деомидовна; Maskina Anna Deomidovna
2020The Impact of Protestantism on Chinese Culture in the Second Half of the 20th CenturyТараканова Алина Павловна; Tarakanova Alina Pavlovna