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Результаты 11-20 из 35.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016The lexico-semantic group "War" as illustrated by the Russian printed media: The aspect of functional semantics (against the background of the Chinese language)Хуан Сюэфэн; Huang Xuefeng
2018The Concept of STATE in the American LingvocultureСердитова Дана Алексеевна; Serditova Dana
2018Lexical thematic group 'Television' in linguo-cultural aspect: A case study of print mediaЧжоу Жуньцзи; Zhou Runji
2018Lexical semantic group 'A mode of life' in modern Russian: Functional semantic aspectФань Синьи; FAN XINYI
2018Concept of time through adjectives with temporal meaning in the English languageБобрышева Ирина Евгеньевна; Bobrysheva Irina
2018Similes in Russian with the component - florism (against the background of the Chinese: Linguo-cultural aspect)Чжан Юй; Zhang Yu
2017Linguocultural characteristics of regional anecdotes as illustrated by the Pomeranian anecdote collection "Witze aus Pommern"Галяминских Алина Валерьевна; Galiaminskikh Alina
2021The aspects of Russian linguistic worldview in the image of the «little man» and ways of translating them into English (a case study of A. Chekhov's short stories)Уткина Мария Андреевна; Utkina Maria Andreevna
2021Localizing educational platforms for German-speaking users: Translation-specific aspectsЛебедева Александра Александровна; Lebedeva Aleksandra Aleksandrovna
2021Linguistic and cultural aspect of studying English phraseology by Chinese studentsЧжан Юйхэн; Czan Ujhen