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Результаты 2861-2870 из 2963.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Linguo-media tools for implementing provocation and hedging strategies in marketing communication (based on the Spanish and Russian languages)Лебедева Елена Алексеевна; Lebedeva Elena Alekseevna
2024Artificial Intelligence and literary translation (on the examples of Olivia Rosenthal's novel "We’re Not Here to Disappear" and Michel Houellebecq's novel "To destroy")Царёва Екатерина Вячеславовна; Careva Ekaterina Vaceslavovna
2024The phrase Under God in modern American culture: meaning and controversy (the NOW corpus)Поддубная Мария Игоревна; Poddubnaa Maria Igorevna
2024Problems of translating English popular science texts into Russian: lexical and stylistic aspectНазарова Айсель Мирсуджаддиновна; Nazarova Ajsel Mirsudzaddinovna
2024The translation variability of infinitive predicative units when translating from English into RussianВолобуева Арина Александровна; Volobueva Arina Aleksandrovna
2024Quotations in English-language orations as a translation problemКулик Денис Евгеньевич; Kulik Denis Evgenevic
2024The drama of the absurd by Vaclav Havel and Samuel BeckettКопылов Петр Константинович; Kopylov Petr Konstantinovic
2024Linguistic and pragmatic potential of discursive particles in the language of young people (based on the material of the modern German language)Сидельникова Виктория Константиновна; Sidelnikova Viktoria Konstantinovna
2024Methods of expressing the duration of action in translation from English into Norwegian and RussianЕршова Элина Антоновна; Ersova Elina Antonovna
2024The influence of Amerindian languages on the Spanish language of Central AmericaКрылова Дарья Владимировна; Krylova Dara Vladimirovna