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Результаты 2821-2830 из 2964.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024Using Computer Games in Teaching English to Middle School StudentsПоляков Глеб; Polakov Gleb
2024Colour symbolism in the "Lake Poets" worksИльина Анна Алексеевна; Ilina Anna Alekseevna
2024The "horizon of expectations" and the reception of Fernando Vallejo's novel "Our Lady of the Assassins" (Spanish title: "La virgen de los sicarios") in Russian.Ривера Гуаяра Карен Джоанна; Rivera Guaara Karen Dzoanna
2024Sound verbs characterizing human activity (semantics and functioning)Хао Моюй; Hao Mouj
2024Form-Idiom V PRINTSYPE: Semantics, Grammar and Pragmatics of Units in Russian SpeechУ Нань; U Nan
2024Structural and linguistic features of the advertising essay (based on advertising of the self-development books)Чжан Цзяци; Czan Czaci
2024Lexical and Stylistic Devices of Creating a Character's Image (A Case Study of the Novel "Farewell" by J.R. Becher)Старков Савва Михайлович; Starkov Savva Mihajlovic
2024Automatic identification of sociolinguistic data based on the texts of diaries of the "Prozhito" projectПавликова Владислава Станиславовна; Pavlikova Vladislava Stanislavovna
2024Foreign language insertions in contemporary advertising discourseГусейнова Назрин Рамизовна; Gusejnova Nazrin Ramizovna
2024Imperatives in Russian-Finnish Fiction TranslationКиселева Ксения Олеговна; Kiseleva Ksenia Olegovna