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Результаты 1-10 из 12.
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2021Elastic-plastic bending of vertical SD beamsЛачугин Даниил Владимирович; Lacugin Daniil Vladimirovic
2021Distributed control of multiagent robotic teamsМагеркин Валентин Вячеславович; Magerkin Valentin Vaceslavovic
2021On homological properties of algebraic structuresЗайковский Анатолий Александрович; Zajkovskij Anatolij Aleksandrovic
2021Randomized approaches to estimate parameters of incubation processes through a finite number of observations under uncertainty conditionВолкова Марина Владимировна; Volkova Marina Vladimirovna
2021Heat transfer investigation on aerodynamic body after local energy deposition into a supersonic gas flowДобров Юрий Владимирович; Dobrov Urij Vladimirovic
2021Deformation model of the thin plate made of heterogeneous hightwise monoclinic materialАльчибаев Даниил Витальевич; Alcibaev Daniil Vitalevic
2021Lightweight model for automatic image enhancementСамарин Алексей Владимирович; Samarin Aleksej Vladimirovic
2021Cubic normal forms, their classification and phase portraitsЧермных Александр Сергеевич; Cermnyh Aleksandr Sergeevic
2021Elastic-plastic bending of horizontal SD beamsНамазов Маил Елдар оглы; Namazov Mail Eldar ogly
2021Dynamic status of gaseous discs in spiral galaxies according to two-fluid gravitational instability criterionМарчук Александр Александрович; Marcuk Aleksandr Aleksandrovic