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Результаты 381-390 из 443.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Web-interface for creating and visualising network emulationsДроздов Всеволод Святославович; Drozdov Vsevolod Svatoslavovic
2022Using modern OS Windows vulnerabilities for escalating user privileges in digital forensicsСтепырев Даниил Федорович; Stepyrev Daniil Fedorovic
2022Investigation of efficiency of some nonparametric tests for testing discontinuiuty of regression function and Poisson process intensityГригорьев Дмитрий Артемович; Grigorev Dmitrij Artemovic
2022Visual editor of PosDB query execution plans based on REAL.NETКим Юния Александровна; Kim Unia Aleksandrovna
2022Application of machine learning and deep learning methods for state-to-state formulation problemsВождаева Юлия Сергеевна; Vozdaeva Ulia Sergeevna
2022Development of I/O library with transparent data compression and arbitrary access for C languageШеверев Сергей Вячеславович; Severev Sergej Vaceslavovic
2023Development of a visual editor for songs and collection of songs with alphanumeric chord notationДанилов Александр Глебович; Danilov Aleksandr Glebovic
2023Tooling support for the OpenJDK development processЮматов Владимир Константинович; Umatov Vladimir Konstantinovic
2023Deformation of orthotropic round plates under normal pressureКалистый Федор Никитович; Kalistyj Fedor Nikitovic
2023Influence of internal heat sources on deformation behaviour of shape memory alloysАнисимова Дарина Михайловна; Anisimova Darina Mihajlovna