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2020HRM Practices for Managing Ethnic Diversity: The Evidence from Russian CompaniesБогданова Мария Андреевна; Bogdanova Maria Andreevna
2020Relationship between index of financial and non-financial information disclosure and performance of Russian companiesКондакова Кристина Михайловна; Kondakova Kristina Mihajlovna
2020Analysis of returns on investments in equity crowdfundingКляровская Надежда Андреевна; Klarovskaa Nadezda Andreevna
2020Mergers and acquisitions performance of IPO firmsКаримов Ренат Илнурович; Karimov Renat Ilnurovic
2020Generation Diversity and Its Implementation to Talent Management and Firm PerformanceПодгайный Феликс Владимирович; Podgajnyj Feliks Vladimirovic
2020The Role of Returnees’ Presence in Shaping Firm Performance, Innovations and Absorptive CapacityТелов Вячеслав Вячеславович; Telov Vaceslav Vaceslavovic