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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 654
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Approach of the Russian Federation to the Information Security IssueРац Даниил Владимирович; Rac Daniil Vladimirovic
2023The role of Egypt's public diplomacy in foreign policy in the Middle EastСиницын Станислав Андреевич; Sinicyn Stanislav Andreevic
2023Finno-Ugric factor in the international cultural relations of the Republic of Mari ElВолкова Алина Анатольевна; Volkova Alina Anatolevna
2023Transregionalism and the Construction of Transregional Ties in Asia-Pacific RegionТимошкин Игорь Алексеевич; Timoskin Igor Alekseevic
2023Arctic intentions of China, South Korea, Japan: the water-bassin principle of interactionАхмедов Альберт Ильгамович; Ahmedov Albert Ilgamovic
2023The Characteristic Features of International Cooperation in the Implementation of UNESCO Programme Man and Biosphere. Based on the Activity in the field of Specially Protected AreasБерезина Мария Игоревна; Berezina Maria Igorevna
2023The Application of the PR Technologies in Afghanistan Foreign Policy. 2001- presentЗахаров Егор Александрович; Zaharov Egor Aleksandrovic
2023Preservation of the Arctic Natural Heritage as a direction of the Humanitarian Development of the Region. Based on the examples of Russia and CanadaБояршинова Полина Евгеньевна; Boarsinova Polina Evgenevna
2023South Korean Arms Export: Current Trends and ProspectsКрицкая Ксения Сергеевна; Krickaa Ksenia Sergeevna
2023A sui generis nature of EU in promoting its collective energy securityПорунков Михаил Александрович; Porunkov Mihail Aleksandrovic
2023The Republic of South Africa in the global nuclear non-proliferation regimeЛац Максим Петрович; Lac Maksim Petrovic
2023Hypersonic weapon technology and future of Russia-US strategic arms control regimeМарьенко Роман Сергеевич; Marenko Roman Sergeevic
2023The Evolution of the US Latin America Policy under the administrations of Donald Trump and Joe BidenРыткова Дарья Андреевна; Rytkova Dara Andreevna
2023The impact of the North Korean nuclear issue in the media agenda on China-India relationsБагэцзоер Диэрбай; Bageczoer Dierbaj
2023The role of strategic communications in the European Union’s external relations (the case of the Russian Federation)Шайнурова Альвина Ильшатовна; Sajnurova Alvina Ilsatovna
2023Development of BRICS Plus/Outreach partnership mechanisms as an example of creating a sustainable network of mutually beneficial cooperationФокина Алена Алексеевна; Fokina Alena Alekseevna
2023The EU-Japan Relations in terms of The USA and China Rivalry at the Current StageМухамедшина Эвелина Альбертовна; Muhamedsina Evelina Albertovna
2023The Prospects for the Implementation of Brazil’s Foreign Policy aimed at the Multi-Vector Approach. Based on the case of BRICS and the relations with the United StatesШипулин Василий Романович; Sipulin Vasilij Romanovic
2023Soft Power of Finland in the European UnionДажы Мила Владиславовна; Dazy Mila Vladislavovna
2023The influence of external factors on the settlement of the Transnistria conflict in 2014-2022Захарова Ольга Валерьевна; Zaharova Olga Valerevna
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 21 по 40 из 654