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Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Cuba in the United States's foreign policy in 21st century: Status and prospectsКириченко Анастасия Андреевна; Kirichenko Anastasia
2017The SCO as an instrument of regional integration in the global political contextМяндина Екатерина Павловна; Miandina Ekaterina
2017Russia–China cooperation in the field of science and education in the early 21st century: Challenges and prospectsБу Руслан Хэевич; Bu Ruslan
reviewSV_recenziya-davletbaeva.jpg.jpg2018Experience in the formation and development of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC): 2010-2018Давлетбаева Диана Булатовна; Davletbaeva Diana
2017The Nicaraguan canal project in the international contextИсаев Анар Октаевич; Isaev Anar
2019The evolution of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and China in 2014-2019Орлова Мария Николаевна; Orlova Maria Nikolaevna
2022Fundamental foundations of Sino-Russian relations after the collapse of the USSRВан Вэньцзэ; Van Vencze
2024Public-private partnership in the field of big data technology in China and RussiaВаниосова Мелания Владимировна; Vaniosova Melania Vladimirovna
2024Use of artificial intelligence technologies in foreign policy: the case of the USA, China, Great Britain, and RussiaБайсхланов Евгений Игоревич; Bajshlanov Evgenij Igorevic
2024International cooperation of Russia and China in the field of tourismСмирнова Елизавета Андреевна; Smirnova Elizaveta Andreevna