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Результаты 521-530 из 598.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Problems of Russia-NATO Military-Political Rivalry at the Current StageРоманова Диана Родионовна; Romanova Diana Rodionovna
2023The Lack of Partisan Domination in Italy as a Characteristic Feature of the Country’s ParliamentБолиев Сергей Олегович; Boliev Sergej Olegovic
2022Fundamental foundations of Sino-Russian relations after the collapse of the USSRВан Вэньцзэ; Van Vencze
2024Summitry diplomacy in U.S.- Russia relationsШахметов Тимур Рашидович; Sahmetov Timur Rasidovic
2024Eco-tourism as a cooperation factor among the CIS member-statesСмирнова Мария Евгеньевна; Smirnova Maria Evgenevna
2024Postcolonial dimension of national policy towards the Sámi in the 21 century: the case of the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden, and the Republic of FinlandИвлева Екатерина Павловна; Ivleva Ekaterina Pavlovna
2024Сatalan separatism: historical and political analysisСтародубцева Ульяна Михайловна; Starodubceva Ulana Mihajlovna
2024Problems of implementing United Nations` environmental agenda in the context of political disunityСоколовская Дарья Александровна; Sokolovskaa Dara Aleksandrovna
2024The Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda as guidelines for the development of creative industries: the case of the fashion industryГребнева Ирина Валерьевна; Grebneva Irina Valerevna
2024France's role in the EU energy policyСысоева Александра Вячеславовна; Sysoeva Aleksandra Vaceslavovna