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Результаты 941-950 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The Belt and Road project in the system of public diplomacy of the Russian Federation and ChinaЦюй Чан; Cuj Can
2020The Bush Doctrine Post-Bush: Unilateralism and Pre-Emption in U.S. Foreign Policy, 2009-2020Донован Дин Шон; Donovan Din Son
2020The role of a political leader’s image in shaping the global public image of the stateЛю Сяо; Lu Sao
2020Kazakhstan`s post-Crimea foreign policy towards the Great Powers: approaches and specificМауытхан Айсулу; Mauythan Ajsulu
2020The strategic aspects of international economic cooperation between India and the BRICS countries at the present timeВан Юнхао; Van Unhao
2020The impact of new media on China's international imageСя Цзи; Sa Czi
2020PR activities of IGOs and NGOs in Central AsiaМухамадеев Рафик; Muhamadeev Rafik
2020The Policy of Turkey in Nuclear Non-Proliferation RegimeГеворгян Арменуи Артушовна; Gevorgan Armenui Artusovna
2020The Kurdish factor in American-Turkish relations from the 1980s and to dateКеримов Рафик Нофел оглы; Kerimov Rafik Nofel ogly
2020The strategy of Chinese cultural diplomacy in the 21st centuryЯн Цзые; An Czye