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Результаты 921-930 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019The role of "football diplomacy" in resolving social and cultural problems at the beginning of the 21st centuryБабкин Владислав Николаевич; Babkin Vladislav Nikolaevic
2019The Trump administration think-tanks for Russia policyБенчаров Тимофей Никитич; Bencarov Timofej Nikitic
2019The crisis of migration policy of the EU and its solutions: Case studies of Belgium and FranceАхунзянова Гульдар Ильдаровна; Ahunzanova Guldar Ildarovna
2019The role of emotion in world politics: Contemporary theoretical debatesЗагайнова Александра Олеговна; Zagajnova Aleksandra Olegovna
2019Policy of the Republic of Ecuador on people with disabilities (2007-2017)Глухарев Юрий Геннадьевич; Gluharev Urij Gennadevic
2019The phenomenon of United States mass culture after the Cold War through the prism of cultural Marxism`s conceptsДавиденко Ян Олегович; Davidenko An Olegovic
2019The Trump administration policy in the Northern Triangle countries: Case studies of El Salvador, Honduras and GuatemalaЕрмоленко Вероника Сергеевна; Ermolenko Veronika Sergeevna
2019A comparative study of France's and Britain's foreign policies in the Middle East in the 21st centuryГорбунова Елизавета Александровна; Gorbunova Elizaveta Aleksandrovna
2019Russia-Japan ties in the field of the arts: History and prospectsДолганова Мария Сергеевна; Dolganova Maria Sergeevna
2019The influence of migrational problems on German domestic policy in 2013-2019Ермаков Матвей Владимирович; Ermakov Matvej Vladimirovic