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Результаты 891-900 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020PR in nuclear power fieldМарданшина Ольга Александровна; Mardansina Olga Aleksandrovna
2020Turkey's European integration during the Erdogan presidencyКамбулатов Гамид Магомедсаидович; Kambulatov Gamid Magomedsaidovic
2020The factor of Independence referendums in changing the status of separatist regions in Europe as illustrated by Scotland and CataloniaКачковская Валерия Сергеевна; Kackovskaa Valeria Sergeevna
2020The formation of the European Union institutions’ politics of memory of the Second World WarАнтипов Андрей Михайлович; Antipov Andrej Mihajlovic
2020Canada’s public diplomacy under Justin Trudeau’s governmentМинязева Римма Ириковна; Minazeva Rimma Irikovna
2020Strategic priorities of NATO in Latvia, Lithuania and EstoniaКлопова Анастасия Владимировна; Klopova Anastasia Vladimirovna
2020The role of observers in the Arctic Council's policy-making processАгеева Анастасия Сергеевна; Ageeva Anastasia Sergeevna
2020Military diplomacy as a tool of Russia’s foreign policyРоманова Елизавета Игоревна; Romanova Elizaveta Igorevna
2020Anthropocentrism in the theory and practice of contemporary international relationsКирюхина Надежда Владимировна; Kiruhina Nadezda Vladimirovna
2020Cooperation of Russian Federation and France museums in the 21st centuryСаламатина Марина Николаевна; Salamatina Marina Nikolaevna