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Результаты 781-790 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The Arctic region in the contemporary foreign policies of Nordic countriesКлиманов Никита Викторович; Klimanov Nikita Viktorovic
2020The role of human security in shaping the OSCE policyВанеева Мария Александровна; Vaneeva Maria Aleksandrovna
2020Nation branding of New ZealandЛаптева Дарина Алексеевна; Lapteva Darina Alekseevna
2020The PRC foreign policy transformation: Chinese scholars’ perspectivesГолубицкая Анастасия Александровна; Golubickaa Anastasia Aleksandrovna
2020The resilience of European social and political institutions at the national and supranational levels in the post-truth eraКолотаев Юрий Юрьевич; Kolotaev Urij Urevic
2020The evolution of US international information policy after the end of the Cold WarДавыдов Стефан Дмитриевич; Davydov Stefan Dmitrievic
2020Sanctions in the context of economic globalization: new challenges and threats to transnational corporationsМазлумян Давид Эдуардович; Mazluman David Eduardovic
2020The participation of the European Union and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe in the resolution of regional conflicts in Abkhazia and South OssetiaДураев Дмитрий Валерьевич; Duraev Dmitrij Valerevic
2020The issues and prospects for the interaction between Russia and the IOC in the early 21st centuryГиренкова Анастасия Васильевна; Girenkova Anastasia Vasilevna
2020The issue of soft power development in RussiaЛепилова Лада Сергеевна; Lepilova Lada Sergeevna