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Результаты 751-760 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020China Central Television (CCTV) as a tool of shaping China’s imageВан Бинь; Van Bin
2020The state image of Mexico: the distinct features of its formationЯровая Ирина Владимировна; Arovaa Irina Vladimirovna
2020Reforming the higher education systems of Russia and Germany in the context of the Bologna process: challenges and prospectsБелкина Елизавета Андреевна; Belkina Elizaveta Andreevna
2020Innovations in the development of cinema in North American countries as a soft power tool in world politicsБабина Елизавета Павловна; Babina Elizaveta Pavlovna
2020The cultural factors of business operations in JapanГоревая Анастасия Ивановна; Gorevaa Anastasia Ivanovna
2020The cooperation of states in natural resource extraction in the ArcticКозьмина Ангелина Николаевна; Kozmina Angelina Nikolaevna
2020Britain’s view on the foreign policy of the Russian Federation since 2014 based on the UK Parliament’s materialsЦурцумия Екатерина Зазовна; Curcumia Ekaterina Zazovna
2020The role of ethnic diasporas in the socio-political life of contemporary Canada: a case study of Russian and Ukrainian diasporasХамидуллина Анна Игоревна; Hamidullina Anna Igorevna
2020Women’s empowerment in post-conflict and peacemaking contextsПетрова Алла Евгеньевна; Petrova Alla Evgenevna
2020The Korean wave as a component of public diplomacy of the Republic of KoreaЧой Юн Сук; Coj Un Suk