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Результаты 731-740 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2019Bilateral relations of Jordan with the global actors of international relations: the USA, Russia, ChinaБадван Нора Аймановна; Badvan Nora Ajmanovna
2019The impact of the economic crisis of 2008 on the development of the renewable energy sector in SpainСамсоненко Елизавета; Samsonenko Elizaveta
2019The US-Turkish relationship: The evaluation of the current stance and prognosticationsБеженарь Ульяна; Bezenar Ulana
2019The immigrant integration policies of Russia and the EU: A comparative studyШаяхметова Анна Андреевна; Saahmetova Anna Andreevna
2019The Latin American policy of M.Bachelet and S.Piñera's government in 2006 till the present timeСмольникова Анна Васильевна; Smolnikova Anna Vasilevna
2020Instruments for forming a positive image of football organizations (international experience)Морданов Кирилл Игоревич; Mordanov Kirill Igorevic
2020Western private military companies in contemporary world politicsОпарин Илья Александрович; Oparin Ila Aleksandrovic
2020The changes in Britain’s party system resulting from Brexit-related internal political struggleТерещенко Егор Михайлович; Teresenko Egor Mihajlovic
2020The influence of the sports industry on the brand of St. PetersburgЮрин Михаил Андреевич; Urin Mihail Andreevic
2020NATO as an instrument of US foreign policy after the end of the Cold WarУшаков Дмитрий Олегович; Usakov Dmitrij Olegovic