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Результаты 701-710 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Byla2.jpeg.jpg2019Germany and Poland in Russia’a mainstream mediaБыля Ксения Николаевна; Byla Ksenia Nikolaevna
2019The main contradictions between the USA and their NATO allies during the presidency of Donald TrumpВасильева Яна Валерьевна; Vasileva Ana Valerevna
2019The military use of the outer space as a factor of the US-Russia strategic strife in 2000-2019Булатова Наталья Сергеевна; Bulatova Natala Sergeevna
2019The struggle of Catalonia for independence as a crisis of Spanish UnitarianismГерсон Даниил Александрович; Gerson Daniil Aleksandrovic
2019"Proxy-fication" of the Syrian conflict in the context of the Iranian-American confrontation in the Middle EastМиронов Игорь Андреевич; Mironov Igor Andreevic
2019The European Union in the process of regionalization in SpainМоргошия Маргарита Симоновна; Morgosia Margarita Simonovna
2019The image of China in the American cultureМихайлова Татьяна Александровна; Mihajlova Tatana Aleksandrovna
2019International global city’s strategies in the sphere of international negotiation and its impact on the national image as illustrated by London, Paris and GenevaМкртчян Яна Арменовна; Mkrtcan Ana Armenovna
2019Anti-Americanism of ultra-rights in Italy and France at the current stageМигуш Егор Вячеславович; Migus Egor Vaceslavovic
2019Current public diplomacy of the Republic of Korea in the Pacific regionКитаева Ксения Владимировна; Kitaeva Ksenia Vladimirovna