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Результаты 451-460 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Digital diplomacy: A cross-national comparison of Mexico and RussiaСанчес Эррэра Рамсес Алаин; Sánchez Herrera Ramsés Alain
2018Deliveries of Russian weapons to Indonesia (1960-2000)Атиренну Пуспита; Atirennu Puspita
2018United States policy on the Afghan drug threat since 2001Яровая Ирина Владимировна; Iarovaia Irina
2018The proactive and reactive roles of the United States for modern health threatsСтахл Джозеф Чарльз; Stahl Joseph Charles
2018"Soft power" of the Third ReichСабанова Ксения Александровна; Sabanova Kseniia
2018The challenges and threats to the security of the FRG at the present stageУшаков Дмитрий Олегович; Ushakov Dmitry
2018The evolution of Brazil's foreign policy in the late 20th and early 21st centuriesМатвеева Ксения Валерьевна; Matveeva Kseniia
2018The influence of foreign policy factors on the crisis of democratic republics in Germany and Austria in 1920-1930Савин Михаил Борисович; Savin Mikhail
reviewSV_image003_(XOU_YUE).png.jpg2018The cooperation of the BRICS countries in the field of international securityХоу Юэ; Hou Yue
2018Sports ethics in the activities of FIFA at the current stageХуснутдинов Марат Рустамович; Khusnutdinov Marat