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Результаты 441-450 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Rec_CHzhan_SHui_2.jpg.jpg2018China's foreign policy on the South China sea issue: At the historical and contemporary stagesЧжан Шуи; Zhang Shuyi
2018The phenomenon of far-right populism in today's Federal Republic of Germany within the context of Europe's migration crisisГусева Олеся Андреевна; Guseva Olesya
2018The project of a new "Silk Road" as a factor of US-Chinese confrontationАроян Аревик Юрьевна; Aroian Arevik
2018Social policies of the Federal Republic of Germany in the framework of the European Union's policiesЦаава Алиса Кобаевна; Tsaava Alisa
2018Topical problems of the US-European vector of Russian foreign policyЮрин Михаил Андреевич; Iurin Mikhail
2018The role of think tanks in shaping the concept of global domination of the United States of America during the Trump administrationТарасова Мария Сергеевна; Tarasova Mariia
2018Problems and perspectives on Russian and ASEAN cooperationВонгсарой Сиринпа; Wongsaroj Sirinpa
2018The protection of the rights of the child as one of the global problems of modern politicsПлескачевская Полина Феликсовна; Pleskachevskaia Polina
2018China's policy in territorial disputes in the South China and East China seasСемёнова Надежда Владимировна; Semenova Nadezhda
2018Prospects of participation of Russian students in cross-border education: A case study of Latin AmericaХилова Александра Александровна; Khilova Alexandra