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Результаты 381-390 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The pattern of diplomatic settlement of Greco-Turkish territorial conflict in the Republic of Cyprus: 1974-2018Благодир Галина-Евгения Константиновна; Blagodir Galina-Evgeniia
2018Theoretical bases and practice of environmental diplomacy: Formation and developmentАсатрян Арминэ Рубиковна; Asatrian Armine
2018Japan's policy toward China under Shinzo Abe administrationПолухина Анна Андреевна; Polukhina Anna
2018Turkey's strategy in conflicts in Syria and Iraq in the context of the ideology of pan-TurkismЗубов Георгий Ильич; Zubov Georgy
2018The role of cultural mega-events in shaping the foreign-policy image of modern RussiaРыжова Алёна Александровна; Ryzhova Alena
2018International cultural ties of the PRC in the framework of BRICSГао Вэньцзин; Gao Wenjing
2018The concept of hybrid wars in modern military policyПарфенов Роман Викторович; Parfenov Roman
2018The pattern of models of the "life cycle" of norms: A case study of the normative dialogue between Russia and the European UnionКоцур Глеб Владиславович; Kotcur Gleb
2018US Military Policy in the Arctic and National Security of the Russian FederationСоболев Иван Васильевич; Sobolev Ivan
2018The phenomenon of the "strategic partnership" policy of ChinaКудряшова Стелла Викторовна; Kudriashova Stella