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Результаты 371-380 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018The Polish problem in the Great Britain politics of 1943-1947Кавунова Яна Геннадьевна; Kavunova Iana
2018The fight of the Russian Federation against cybercrime at the national and international levelsНазыков Максим Александрович; Nazykov Maxim
2018The information warfare aspect of the Syrian conflict in the context of the U.S.-Russia power struggle in the Middle EastШикуля Анна Александровна; Shikulya Anna
2018BRICS network University as a new example of internationalisationРожко Кристина Николаевна; Rozhko Kristina
2018The doctrinal aspect of American policy towards the USSR and the Russian Federation in the 20-21 centuriesКабардин Максим Сергеевич; Kabardin Maxim
2018External activities of European ethno-national regions: Challenges and prospects of Scotland, Catalonia and FlandersКагриманян Алексан Сергеевич; Kagrimanyan Aleksan
2018Military-technical cooperation of China and the countries of the post-Soviet spaceЗагорская Олеся Александровна; Zagorskaya Olesya
2018Consolidation of Buddhist civilization in world politicsСавастеев Артём Александрович; Savasteev Artem
2018The contribution of cultural initiatives to the resolution of the Northern Ireland conflict at the present stageКрасильникова Анастасия Андреевна; Krasilnikova Anastasiia
2018Key trends in international cooperation in public health in the context of sustainable development in the 21st century: Evidence from the WHOКлимов Антон Сергеевич; Klimov Anton