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Результаты 361-370 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017German foreign policy strategy in ensuring energy securityСмышляева Евгения Павловна; Smyshliaeva Evgeniia
2017Transit through Baltic ports and foreign policy interests of RussiaФедотова Яна Юрьевна; Fedotova Iana
2017Inter-parliamentary institutions in integration associations in the former Soviet UnionСуворкова Екатерина Дмитриевна; Suvorkova Ekaterina
2017Diplomatic solution to international economic sanctions: A case study of the Islamic Republic of IranТерещенко Владислав Сергеевич; Tereshchenko Vladislav
2018China's contemporary environmental policy in the context of its socio-economic developmentЕлисеева Арина Вадимовна; Eliseeva Arina
2018The integration of the Muslims communities in modern FranceПлотникова Мария Ивановна; Plotnikova Mariia
2018Donald Trump's election campaign 2016: The Latin American dimensionКоваленко Павел Вячеславович; Kovalenko Pavel
2018Diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Korea in the 21st century: 2000-2017Крисько Денис Васильевич; Krisko Denis
2018Prospects of the Schengen Regime in the Context of the Eastern Partnership ProgramПлатова Екатерина Николаевна; Platova Ekaterina
2018Perspective directions of business cooperation between Russia and Brazil in the context of BRICSОднорал Олег Игоревич; Odnoral Oleg