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Результаты 221-230 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2017The United States' policy towards the Ukraine during the presidency of Barack ObamaДанилова Екатерина Николаевна; Danilova Ekaterina
2017Challenges in preserving and strengthening the ties between the Russian Federation and unrecognized post-Soviet republicsКучеров Иван Дмитриевич; Kucherov Ivan
2017Oil exploration in The Arctic region: Russia’s role and the positions of key actorsФролов Алексей Витальевич; Frolov Aleksei
2017Women in politics in the USA (demonstrated on a political activities of Madeleine Albright, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton)Орехова Наталья Алексеевна; Orekhova Natalia
2017The problem of Islamic extremism in Iraq in the context of the American middle East policy (2003–2017)Полякова Татьяна Сергеевна; Poliakova Tatiana
reviewSV_IMG_0638.PNG.jpg2017Issues in German-Russian relations during Angela Merkel's chancellorship (2005–2017)Мушкет Мария Александровна; Mushket Mariia
2017The transformation of Sweden’s national identity under the influence of the migration factorСамочернова Анна Олеговна; Samochernova Anna
2017Policy of the Troika: Labour market reforms in the PIIGS statesТаганова Анастасия Андреевна; Taganova Anastasia
reviewSV_Petrova_KV_bak_rec_3.jpg.jpg2017Cultural aspect of the information warfare between Russia and the U.S.Петрова Кристина Вячеславовна; Petrova Kristina
2017The development of Sino-Russian relations during the Ukrainian crisisЧичикина Алина Николаевна; Chichikina Alina