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Результаты 1211-1220 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2024International cooperation between PRC and Russia in the field of water resources protectionЧжао Инхао; Czao Inhao
2024"Rural revitalization plan" in the PRC strategyЧэнь Сыжу; Cen Syzu
2024Digital era of trilateral trade: cooperation and trade prospects between Russia, Central Asia and ChinaСун Юй; Sun Uj
2024Regionalist movements in Canada in 1980-2023Шампаров Андрей Игоревич; Samparov Andrej Igorevic
2024Development of China's transport infrastructure: assessment, prospects and international cooperationЮй Сяоян; Uj Saoan
2024Protection of linguistic rights of the Russian-speaking population in the post-Soviet countries (using the example of the Baltic states)Селиванова Анастасия Евгеньевна; Selivanova Anastasia Evgenevna
2024Main trends of the United Kingdom's foreign policy in 2016–2023Иванов Глеб Иннокентьевич; Ivanov Gleb Innokentevic
2024Germany's Economic Relations with the Global South: comprehensive analysis of trade and foreign economic policy of the Federal Republic of Germany at the present stageГрабарева Екатерина Юрьевна; Grabareva Ekaterina Urevna
2024Prospects for the development of digital diplomacy in the context of expanding opportunities for the use of generative artificial intelligenceЛазарова Эллина Руслановна; Lazarova Ellina Ruslanovna
2024Role of the United States of America in integration and disintegration processes within ASEANПанаетов Фёдор Константинович; Panaetov Fedor Konstantinovic