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Результаты 1181-1190 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The Characteristic Features of International Cooperation in the Implementation of UNESCO Programme Man and Biosphere. Based on the Activity in the field of Specially Protected AreasБерезина Мария Игоревна; Berezina Maria Igorevna
2023The Activity of the US and European Central Banks as Reflected in the Global Online MediaНехорошева Елена Вячеславовна; Nehoroseva Elena Vaceslavovna
2023The Approach of the Russian Federation to the Information Security IssueРац Даниил Владимирович; Rac Daniil Vladimirovic
2023Preservation of the Arctic Natural Heritage as a direction of the Humanitarian Development of the Region. Based on the examples of Russia and CanadaБояршинова Полина Евгеньевна; Boarsinova Polina Evgenevna
2023The role of Egypt's public diplomacy in foreign policy in the Middle EastСиницын Станислав Андреевич; Sinicyn Stanislav Andreevic
2023Urgent challenges for Human Security in Latin AmericaВысоцкий Вадим Михайлович; Vysockij Vadim Mihajlovic
2023The Role of Gender Equality Policy in the Promotion of Uzbekistan’s Image in the international arenaАбдуллаев Шохжахон Улугбек угли; Abdullaev Sohzahon Ulugbek ugli
2022Fundamental foundations of Sino-Russian relations after the collapse of the USSRВан Вэньцзэ; Van Vencze
2024Russia and China in the global educational spaceЛи Цзяси; Li Czasi
2024Image of Russia and China from the perspective of national media: a comparative analysisЧжан Минян; Czan Minan