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Результаты 1171-1180 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The use of branding technologies in the formation of the foreign policy image of the Republic of TurkeyБогданова Анастасия Юрьевна; Bogdanova Anastasia Urevna
2023African Dimension of French Foreign Policy under Emmanuel Macron. 2017-2022Чернов Сергей Игоревич; Cernov Sergej Igorevic
2023International cooperation in the field of water conflicts resolution in the Middle East (on the example of the dispute over the Euphrates River between Turkey, Syria and Iraq)Сосюк Анна Павловна; Sosuk Anna Pavlovna
2023The Role of International Organizations in the Syrian war 2011-2023Исса Хая; Issa Haa
2023Global water challenge in the frames of the sustainable development approachМолнар Габор Арон; Molnar Gabor Aron
2023The role of the Monarchy Institution in the Image Policy of Great BritainБуянов Алексей Михайлович; Buanov Aleksej Mihajlovic
2023Features of place branding of China on the example of Beijing and Hong KongНечаева Ксения Максимовна; Necaeva Ksenia Maksimovna
2023The problem of human rights observance in US-China relationsГрибуцкая Ольга Владимировна; Gribuckaa Olga Vladimirovna
2023Political Aspects of Interaction among BRICS Countries in the field of Healthcare. Based on the example of COVID-19 PandemicШиханов Кирилл Аркадьевич; Sihanov Kirill Arkadevic
2023Expansion of U.S. LNG exportsБлизнюкова Елизавета Павловна; Bliznukova Elizaveta Pavlovna