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Результаты 1151-1160 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The problem of political decision-making in NATOСиманов Егор Сергеевич; Simanov Egor Sergeevic
2023Regional Security Issues in China's Foreign PolicyХайруллаев Икром Илёсжон угли; Hajrullaev Ikrom Ileszon ugli
2023The Taiwan Issue in the US-China Relations under the administrations of Donald Trump and Joe Biden: a Comparative AnalysisМэн Цзяцзюнь; Men Czaczun
2023Diplomatic relations between the United States and China in 1980-2022Ярёха Анастасия Николаевна; Areha Anastasia Nikolaevna
2023The Role and Prospects of BRICS in the Global Economy: Participation in the Global AgendaУ Юэ; U Ue
2023The use and dissemination of cultural symbols in the formation of China's national imageАбудуресули Нафейша; Abuduresuli Nafejsa
2023Soft power tools in China's foreign policy in Central AsiaЧэнь Цзясин; Cen Czasin
2023Soft Power of Finland in the European UnionДажы Мила Владиславовна; Dazy Mila Vladislavovna
2023The disintegration concept in the EU in the context of the European integrationСитнев Даниил Александрович; Sitnev Daniil Aleksandrovic
2023South Korean-Japanese relations through the prism of historical and territorial disputesБелкина Юлия Владиславовна; Belkina Ulia Vladislavovna