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Результаты 1131-1140 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023Problems of Turkish-American cooperation in the context of regional armed conflicts at the present stageТолочко Мариан Марианович; Tolocko Marian Marianovic
2023Post-Soviet Eurasia in the focus of Germany's foreign cultural policyКазанцева Ирина Михайловна; Kazanceva Irina Mihajlovna
2023The EU-Japan Relations in terms of The USA and China Rivalry at the Current StageМухамедшина Эвелина Альбертовна; Muhamedsina Evelina Albertovna
2023The role of strategic communications in the European Union’s external relations (the case of the Russian Federation)Шайнурова Альвина Ильшатовна; Sajnurova Alvina Ilsatovna
2023A sui generis nature of EU in promoting its collective energy securityПорунков Михаил Александрович; Porunkov Mihail Aleksandrovic
2023Developing public relations strategy for forming national image: the experience of FinlandЧжан Хайсюань; Czan Hajsuan
2023The Role of the New Development Bank in the Promotion of International DevelopmentДилинуэр Ахэмайти; Dilinuer Ahemajti
2023Particularities of Eurasian RegionalismКартурани Матеус Гильерме; Karturani Mateus Gilerme
2023International Cooperation in the Settlement of Armed Conflicts and Humanitarian Crises in West AfricaОритша Флора; Oritsa Flora
2023The Evolution of the Peacekeeping Activity in Africa. Based on the case of MaliШетфон Наваль; Setfon Naval