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Результаты 1061-1070 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The expansion of China's economic presence in Central Asia: current scope and challengesДяконова Фатима Васильевна; Dakonova Fatima Vasilevna
2022Digital diplomacy of China, Russia and the USA: a comparative analysisЧжоу Ин; Czou In
2022The second decade of the BRICS: current state and prospectsЦай Хаодун; Caj Haodun
2022Barents Euro-Arctic Council and Arctic Council activity aimed at protecting cultures, traditions and languages of indigenous peoples of the North: a comparative analysisОкулова Александра Ильинична; Okulova Aleksandra Ilinicna
2022The role of civil society in the nuclear non-proliferation regimeПанина Алёна Игоревна; Panina Alena Igorevna
2022Branding of territories as a means of regional identity promotion (on the example of the Canadian province of Quebec)Привалова Евгения Владимировна; Privalova Evgenia Vladimirovna
2022The Black Lives Matter Movement as a Phenomenon of Social and Political Life in the USA in 2013-2021Храмов Илья Юрьевич; Hramov Ila Urevic
2022Problems and prospects for the internationalization of Chinese brands at the beginning of the 21st centuryЛи Инчэнь; Li Incen
2022Impact of the internationalization of education in the PRC on the soft power of the countryЮань Хэхуа; Uan Hehua
2022Peculiarities of Indian-Russian strategic partnership in the 21st centuryШарма Мохит; Sarma Mohit