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Результаты 1051-1060 из 1192.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022The US policy of soft power in Central AsiaИбрагимов Азизбек Эркин угли; Ibragimov Azizbek Erkin ugli
2022Strategic Partnership and allied relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of TajikistanСайдмухудинова Лолахон Умаровна; Sajdmuhudinova Lolahon Umarovna
2022The influence of China's "Digital Silk Road" on the integration processes of Greater EurasiaЛи Линьшань; Li Linsan
2022Political aspects of Russian-Iranian relations in the energy sectorЮгзов Вадим Максимович; Ugzov Vadim Maksimovic
2022Socio-economic development of Baltic States and the role of the Russian factorТубелис Ксения Дмитриевна; Tubelis Ksenia Dmitrievna
2022The role of international mega-events in the formation of the international image of modern statesЧжан Цзыци; Czan Czyci
reviewSV_otzyv_lu_vanfen.jpg.jpg2022Energy cooperation between China and Russia: political support, platform activities and priority projectsЛю Ваньфэн; Lu Vanfen
2022NATO-EU cooperation in the field of cybersecurity and cyberdefense in the age of enhanced great powers’ rivalryШидуков Асхад Хастинович; Sidukov Ashad Hastinovic
2022Youth associations as a subject of the state youth policy of the Russian FederationЦветкова Кристина Витальевна; Cvetkova Kristina Vitalevna
2022China's national image: problems of formation and promotion at the beginning of the 21st centuryЯн Юйфэй; An Ujfej