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Результаты 11-20 из 1319.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Impact of the Armenian diaspora on the foreign policy of the United States of AmericaПогосян Инга Гамлетовна; Poghosyan Inga
2016Influence of the Ukrainian crises on Russian-German relationsСарапулова Наталья Анатольевна; Sarapulova Natalia
2016Foreign policy of Mongolia (1991 - 2014)Курбетьева Анастасия Олеговна; Kurbeteva Anastasiia
2016The problem of European integration in the policy of the leading British political parties (2010 - 2016)Данылив Ульяна Васильевна; Danyliv Uliana
2016Humanitarian interventions: milestones, causes and prospectsТимшин Александр Александрович; Timshin Aleksandr
2016The military Revolution in Germany during the chancellorship of Angela Merkel (2005 - 2014)Лесюк Марта Игоревна; Lesyuk Marta
2016Building civil society: US public diplomacy in Post-Soviet RussiaСамсонов Илья Петрович; Samsonov Ilia
2016Features of activity of Russia and the former soviet republics in the United Nations since 1991Соловьева Ксения Викторовна; Soloveva Kseniia
reviewSV_Lavrov_DG__mag_rec.jpg.jpg2016Diplomatic support of investment efforts of credit and financial companiesЛавров Дмитрий Глебович; Lavrov Dmitry
2016Economic diplomacy of Russian transnational corporations at the present stageСергеева Ирина Алексеевна; Sergeeva Irina