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Результаты 11-18 из 18.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2020The impact of economic and political sanctions on the formation of the foreign policy of RussiaАдаев Вадим Александрович; Adaev Vadim Aleksandrovic
2019The evolution of trade and economic relations between the Russian Federation and China in 2014-2019Орлова Мария Николаевна; Orlova Maria Nikolaevna
2022Soft power in US and Russian foreign policies in Central AsiaМихайлова Анастасия Константиновна; Mihajlova Anastasia Konstantinovna
2022Kazakh compatriots in Russia and Russian compatriots in Kazakhstan: comparative analysis (1992-2021)Кадиров Алишер; Kadirov Aliser
2022Russian-Georgian relations in the post-Soviet space under the influence of the European UnionВурал Айтуг; Vural Ajtug
2023Russia as a Factor of the US Political Discourse. 2014- presentСамоделова Алина Андреевна; Samodelova Alina Andreevna
2024Comparative analysis of the Afghan policy of Russia and Afghanistan’s neighboring countriesСысоева Анастасия Владимировна; Sysoeva Anastasia Vladimirovna
2024Use of artificial intelligence technologies in foreign policy: the case of the USA, China, Great Britain, and RussiaБайсхланов Евгений Игоревич; Bajshlanov Evgenij Igorevic