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Результаты 11-20 из 35.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2016Socio-cultural interaction among road traffic participants in St. PetersburgТихомиров Андрей Александрович; Tikhomirov Andrei
2016Sociocultural transformation of space in “closed” towns: The case of OzyorskПанова Валерия Евгеньевна; Panova Valeriya
2016Music performance as a space for identity creation: The case of alternative rockМутыхляева Полина Сергеевна; Mutykhlyaeva Polina
2016Social and cultural dynamics of the music fan communities: A case sudy of Russian online communities for music fansЧерников Глеб Сергеевич; Chernikov Gleb
2016Transformation of professional photography under virtualisation of the symbolic goods marketМосякина Татьяна Ивановна; Mosyakina Tatiana
2016Human resource management in HIV prevention projectsМиколюк Сергей Иванович; Mikoliuk Sergei
2016Contemporary art curators as cultural intermediaries: German and Russian experienceМоскалёва Екатерина Александровна; Moskaleva Ekaterina
2016Internal corporate social responsibility as a mechanism of human resource managementРазумей Александра Олеговна; Razumei Aleksandra
2016The empowering potential of theatre activities in social work with elderly peopleГирфанова Элина Сергеевна; Girfanova Elina
2016Constructing socio-political issues on the Internet: The case of VK.comБондарь Алина Александровна; Bondar Alina