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2023Transformation of youth employment in Russia and China: a sociological analysisСунь Лу; Sun Lu
2023Problems of digitalisation of the educational process at universityХэ Цзыцзин; He Czyczin
2023Female gender socialisation in modern societies of Russia and ChinaКавун Анна Игоревна; Kavun Anna Igorevna
2023Commercial surrogacy in Russia and ChinaМэй Жуйцзюй; Mej Zujczuj
2023Social and economic status of women in modern Russia and ChinaГанеева Ильнара Маратовна; Ganeeva Ilnara Maratovna
2023Preventing the brain drain of highly skilled professionals abroad: management practices in Russia and ChinaЛи Шици; Li Sici
2023Comparison of the human resource management system in Russia and ChinaАнь Цзюньли; An Czunli
2023Combating poverty as a necessary process of social and economic development in Russia and ChinaКун Чуан; Kun Cuan
2023Impact of trade cooperation within the "One Belt, One Road" project on the social and economic development of Russia and ChinaЧэнь Боянь; Cen Boan