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2020Housekeeping of the Military in the Federal Army during the US Civil WarФилимонов Артём Егорович; Filimonov Artem Egorovic
2020The S.Makovsky Collection in the Manuscript Sector of the State Russian Museum as a Historical Source for the Life of Russian Artists in the Early 20th CenturyМунжуков Глеб Дамирович; Munzukov Gleb Damirovic
2020The Activity of the Railway Engineer S.Kulzhinsky for the Development of Russian Railways in the Late 19th - Early 20th CenturiesСапаров Дмитрий Дмитриевич; Saparov Dmitrij Dmitrievic
2020The Development of the St.Petersburg Stock Exchange in the Second Half of the 19th - Early 20th CenturiesТянь Чжунхуа; Tan Czunhua
2020Russian Emigrant Youth Organizations and Movements in Estonia (1918 - 1940)Гаврилов Владислав Геннадьевич; Gavrilov Vladislav Gennadevic
2020The Image of Benjamin Franklin and the North America Issues in the Periodicals and Academic Literature of Monarchical RussiaПоздеева Мария Авксентьевна; Pozdeeva Maria Avksentevna
2020The Activities of Transport Aviation to Supply Leningrad during the SiegeПригодич Никита Дмитриевич; Prigodic Nikita Dmitrievic