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2017Formation of the Franco-Russian Alliance in the Russian press coverage (1891 – 1893)Кулешова Елизавета Сергеевна; Kuleshova Elizaveta
2016A comparative study in the "special historical period" of Russian and Chinese intelligentsiaЧэнь Чинчин; Chen Qingqing
2017British–Russian relations during Tony Blair's first office as Prime Minister (1997 – 2001)Назаров Николай Александрович; Nazarov Nikolai
2018Peasant Uprisings in China and in Russia in the 18th - 19th Centuries: Comparative-Historical AspectГуань Цинь; Guan Qin
reviewSV_Tyan_CHzhunxua-skan2.jpg.jpg2017Russian–Chinese relations in the 17th century: Conflicts on the borderТянь Чжунхуа; Tian Zhonghua
reviewSV_SHeptalin_Soglasie.jpg.jpg2017Reunification of the Crimea and Sevastopol with Russia in the 1990s – 2000s as a problemШепталин Леонид Викторович; Sheptalin Leonid