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Результаты 391-400 из 407.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2023The crisis of cultural identity and the search for an alternative in the literature of 'young emigrants': the case study of B.Yu.PoplavskyТрофимов Никита Михайлович; Trofimov Nikita Mihajlovic
2023Imperial Court under Alexander I (Court Society)Карпенко Виктор Алексеевич; Karpenko Viktor Alekseevic
2023Hungarian prisoners of the First World War in the Petrograd province in 1914 - 1921Попов Георгий Александрович; Popov Georgij Aleksandrovic
2023Central Asia under Alexander the GreatКакышев Селим; Kakysev Selim
2023Conspiracy of secret societies as a Mediterranean disease in the discourse of Russian societyКолчина Мария Алексеевна; Kolcina Maria Alekseevna
2023Public heroic personality during the genesis of the early Soviet society (1918 - 1922)Юров Антон Васильевич; Urov Anton Vasilevic
2023The policy of introducing 'red rites' in the province of the North-Western (Leningrad) Region in the 1920sТабачник Ксения Кирилловна; Tabacnik Ksenia Kirillovna
2023Prosopography of Tibet Studies in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuriesСунь Яовэй; Sun Aovej
2023The politics of China towards the Chinese Eastern Railway from the Xinhai Revolution to 1917Го Чжиху; Go Czihu
2023The students' Trade Union of Leningrad State University during Perestroika (1985 – 1991)Дьяченко Даниил Константинович; Dacenko Daniil Konstantinovic