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Результаты 381-390 из 407.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2022Old Russian Veche in Russian HistoriographyСорокин Никита Юрьевич; Sorokin Nikita Urevic
2022Grassroots violence in religious conflicts between Catholics and members of other confessions in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth: 1632 - 1700Медведев Кирилл Максимович; Medvedev Kirill Maksimovic
2022Ivory and antler working on the Early Upper Palaeolithic industry of Kostenki 14, layer IVbКуприянова Мария Дмитриевна; Kuprianova Maria Dmitrievna
2023Women of the Merovingian dynasty: St.Radegund of Poitiers - power and sanctityВикторов Анатолий Евгеньевич; Viktorov Anatolij Evgenevic
2023The development of the political system of the principate in Rome under the Julio-Claudian dynastyШэнь Шици; Sen Sici
2023'Traditional' Russian costume in modern European Russia: reconstruction, intussusception, usageТхайтракулпанич Эсари; Thajtrakulpanic Esari
2023State Council of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th centuryВан Цзинхуа; Van Czinhua
2023The Orthodox parishes in the Leningrad Region in 1941 - 1945: interaction with the occupation authorities and the search for cooperation with the Soviet stateЩепин Григорий Константинович; Sepin Grigorij Konstantinovic
2023Timber-grave culture of the Bronze Age of the Lower Don Region (problems of chronology and origin)Шибанова Дарья Алексеевна; Sibanova Dara Alekseevna
2023The anti-tyrannical practices of the Decembrists in a European contextКашина Екатерина Андреевна; Kasina Ekaterina Andreevna