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Результаты 31-40 из 88.
Найденные ресурсы:
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
reviewSV_Scan.jpg.jpg2017Mineralogy of alkaline pegmatites of the Kondyor massifОсипов Анатолий Станиславович; Osipov Anatolii
2017Local spectroscopic studies of the iron oxidation state in mantle spinelsЛукманов Рустам Абубакирович; Lukmanov Rustam
2017Morphological and genetic characteristics of soils and deposits of the watershed position of the Yamskaya steppeРыбин Георгий Вадимович; Rybin Georgii
2017Trilobites of the superfamily Illaenoidea from Middle Ordovician deposits in the Leningrad Region (taxonomic composition and biostratigraphic significance)Бродский Антон Валерьевич; Brodskii Anton
2017Mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Bodorono gold deposit (South Yakutia)Кардашевская Вероника Николаевна; Kardashevskaia Veronika
2017Assessment of property changes of sandy-clay soils under oil contamination on the territory of the Moscow Oil RefineryПодолякина Анна Ильинична; Podolyakina Anna
reviewSV_Maklashin_V_S__mag_rec_jpg_2.jpg.jpg2017Mineralogical and geochemical features of gold ore occurrences of the Northern flank of the Khuzhirskoye Ore FieldМаклашин Василий Сергеевич; Maklashin Vasiliy
2017The geological structure and low-sulfide PGE-mineralisation of the Monchetundra layered massif (the Kola Peninsula)Кострикин Роман Николаевич; Kostrikin Roman
2017Tabulata from the Late Silurian to the Early Devonian of the Andygen section (South Fergana)Конкина Мария Алексеевна; Konkina Mariia
2017Layered minerals and inorganic compounds with heavy and transition metalsНекрасова Диана Олеговна; Nekrasova Diana