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reviewSV_Xisamutdinov_I_I__bak_rec.jpg.jpg2017Allocating and evaluating the parameters of terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs in the Elginskoye oil field (Tatarstan) according to GIS dataХисамутдинов Инсаф Ильсурович; Khisamutdinov Insaf
2017Allocating and evaluating the parameters of productive reservoirs in the Ust-Tegusskoye oil field (the Tyumen Region) according to logging methodsСтаценко Николай Александрович; Statsenko Nikolai
2017Allocating and evaluating the parameters of productive reservoirs in the Peschanoozerskoye oil and gas condensate field (Kolguyev Island) according to logging methodsДевятов Камиль Рафкатович; Deviatov Kamil
2018The use of a logging methods set at the urengoy oil and gas fieldШакиева Анастасия Александровна; Shakieva Anastasiia
2018The application of well-logging technique mix of methods in terrigenous and carbonate reservoirs studying of Shegurchinskoye oil deposit (Tatarstan)Салахиева Алина Наилевна; Salakhieva Alina
2017Allocating and evaluating the parameters of productive reservoirs in an oil and gas condensate field (Serbia) according to logging methodsКараваев Андрей Вячеславович; Karavaev Andrei