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Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 166
Предварительный просмотрДата выпускаНазваниеАвтор(ы)
2018Ecological risk of heavy metals in permafrost-affected soils and lichens, Yamal PeninsulaЦзи Сяовэнь; Ji Xiaowen
reviewSV_skan1_Kurmanbaeva_Kaziza.jpeg.jpg2018Prospects for mass development and integration of biodegradable packaging in large food retailers of Russia: A case study of Auchan HoldingКурманбаева Казиза; Kurmanbayeva Kaziza
2018Detection of regional climate changes using remote sensing dataРыкин Иван; Rykin Ivan
2018A way of detecting and evaluating landfills in near urban areas using remote sensingКуимов Михаил Владиславович; Kuimov Mikhail
reviewSV_otzyv_Topazh.jpg.jpg2018Geoinformation support development to locate search zones of diamond deposits and determine the diamond potential of fieldsШпилевая Елена Михайловна; Shpilevaya Elena
2018Monitoring of disturbed lands in the Murmansk region using GISБровенко Екатерина Владимировна; Brovenko Ekaterina
reviewSV_OTZYV_IVANOVA_RECENZENT__.jpg.jpg2018Creation of GIS «The ecological state of the Russian Arctic Islands as illustrated by Franz Josef land»Иванова Алена Игоревна; Ivanova Alena
2018Satellite imagery applied to analysis of the spatial-temporal change of permafrost landscapes, on the areas of active industrial development in Arctic and SubarcticХайруллин Рустам Рустамович; Khairullin Rustam
reviewSV_Risunok_(95).jpg.jpg2018New concept of public environmental control: A case study of Primorsky district coastline, St.PetersburgКачура Алина Алексеевна; Kachura Alina
reviewSV_Risunok_(97).jpg.jpg2018Waste conversion into secondary materials and energy resources: a case study of coal-fired power plantsБеспалова Алевтина Александровна; Bespalova Alevtina
reviewSV_Risunok_(99).jpg.jpg2018Comparative environmental rating of sustainable development of St.Petersburg, Tallinn and HelsinkiДонченко Никита Ярославович; Donchenko Nikita
2018Sustainable development of the town of Tosno and Tosninsky areaКудрина София Викторовна; Kudrina Sofiia
2018The foreign experience in separate solid municipal waste collection and recycling along with developing guidelines for St.PetersburgПеревозникова Катерина Алексеевна; Perevoznikova Katerina
2018Analysis of managing potentially dangerous occurences in the integrated system of ecological and industrial safety management of "Coca-Cola HBC AG" in Saint-PetersburgАтякшева Анастасия; Atyaksheva Anastassiya
2018Optimization of internal audit system as part of integrated management system: A case study of soft drinks manufacturing in "Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia" in St.PetersburgБреусова Елена Антоновна; Breusova Elena
reviewSV_IMG_0575_jpeg.jpg.jpg2018Optimization of legal and regulatory base for strategic planning in environment conservationБреусов Александр Александрович; Breusov Aleksandr
2018The study and analysis of urban ecomobility in the northlands within the framework of the project "GreenMobility" along with developing guidelines to launch and carry out this project within St.PetersburgНоженко Алена Игоревна; Nozhenko Alena
2018Environmental-economic assessment of underground space in St.PetersburgКокажанова Мадина Аскарбековна; Kokazhanova Madina
2018Analysis and comparison of managing ecological activities of foreign and domestic oil companiesБайрачный Иван Александрович; Bayrachnyy Ivan
2018Method development for project assessment of a waste management systemБаш Михаил Андреевич; Bash Mikhail
Ресурсы коллекции (Сортировка по Даты сохранения в по убыванию порядке): 1 по 20 из 166